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My Interior Mission

Hi there! I am Lauren , I am a Interior Designer who manifested Loz Interiors to help homeowners to create beautiful dwellings that enhance their every day lives.

Project Book a Bach - Creating a luxury retreat with a homely edge.

I help people who struggle to connect with their chosen property, or are stuck when it comes to using their own personality/style to create their environment that is individual to them.

Firstly I listen to my clients - their wants, their needs, their desires. Upon analyzing the property I give them sound advice & direction so they can begin, follow through, and lastly complete their home.

Project Book a Bach - much needed colour injection

This is helpful to my clients because the world we live in can be chaotic and navigating redecorating or renovating/building can have you chasing your tail trying to make correct decisions left & right.

I give my clients clarity and time to enjoy the process while also having end results that they can be inspired to wake up to, proud to share with friends/family and at the end of the day be comfortable to rest & recharge their soul. To wake up and return home each day being rewarded by your environment, I believe will send stronger, healthier, happier humans out to do good work every day.

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